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Getting set up for our distance learning classes is pretty simple.


You can use your smartphone, in which case it is suggested that you download the GoToMeeting app, or you can use your computer, which does not really need the app - it works well within a browser. The experience will be similar either way.


First, let's see how to get set up on a smartphone (the computer version will follow after). I will use Android as an example, but iOS devices are very similar.


Phone Step 1: Get the app


Go to your platform's app store and install the GoToMeeting app in the usual way. Then go ahead and open the app.





Phone Step 2: Choose the correct HCC meeting room


In the "Enter meeting ID or name" field, input the correct room for the class you are trying to join.


There are currently only two rooms to choose from, and they do not change


* If you are in a lecture/theory class, enter "hollywoodcareercollege"


* If you are in a lab/practical class enter "hcconline123"  


You may see it add some text to what you actually entered - that is fine.



Phone Step 2: Get the app






Phone Step 2: Get the app







Phone Step 3: Enable audio


At this point, you will probably be asked if you want to allow the app to access the microphone and camera of your phone. You will see something like the following screen: 





Allow the app to access your device (in this case, choose "While using the app"). 




Phone Step 4: You are in! Using the app.


You should now be in the class. Using the app is very simple - touch somewhere on the the screen to see the app controls, and then touch the screen (somewhere outside the dislayed controls) to hide them again.


The most important things to know:


1.) The text bubble icon in the upper right will display the chat window, if you need to use the chat feature 

2.) The main controls are at the bottom. From left to right you will see:

    * Options - Probably the most useful thing is the first option, which will switch between seeing the active speaker ("View who is talking") and seeing several people at one ("View active cameras"). The results of switching back and forth are shown below.

    * Enable/disable your camera. You usually should keep your camera on at all times!

    * Enable/disable your microphone. You usually should keep your mic off unless you are actually trying to talk to the instructor or group.

    * Enable/disable screen sharing. You probably will never need this (and it will probably be disabled).

    * Exit the meeting. The "hang up" icon will let you leave the class.



Anchor 1

Phone Step 4: Get the app







That's pretty much all you need to know if your are using a smartphone. If you are using a computer, the steps are similar:



Computer Step 1: Go to the site and join a meeting.


In a web browser (it works well in Chrome), got to the url:


You should see a "Join" link (text) in the upper right corner somewhere - click it (I will show large and small layouts for the first few steps, as the pages draw a little differently):





Computer Step 2: Choose the correct HCC meeting room


Similar to the smartphone procedure described above, in the "Meeting ID (numbers only) or Personal Meeting Room" field, input the correct room for the class you are trying to join.


There are currently only two rooms to choose from, and they do not change


* If you are in a lecture/theory class, enter "hollywoodcareercollege"


* If you are in a lab/practical class enter "hcconline123"


After entering the correct room name, press the "Join" button.






Computer Step 3: Join the Meeting


At this point, you should see something like the following screen.


If you want to continue to just use the browser to join the meeting (which generally works well, and is simpler), click on the "Join Meeting In Browser" link


If you instead press the large "Join My Meeting" button, you will then be prompted to download their software. We will not show how to do that here, but it is pretty straightforward as well.





Computer Step 4: Enable audio


At this point, you will probably be asked if you want to allow the app to access the microphone and speakers of your computer, or, if you need to instead use your phone for audio. You will see something like the following screen; if you have a working mic/speaker setup, choose the "Computer" button and then press the "Save and continue" button (as shown with the blue arrows below).


If your computer does not have a mic and speakers, choose the "Phone" option, and then press "Save and continue" - it will walk you through how to dial in for audio (that will not be shown here). 





Computer Step 4: Choose audio devices (when using Computer audio)


At this point, you will be allowed to choose which audio devices you want to use. It will probably default to using what you normally use, so if that is correct, you can then hit the "Save and continue" button





Computer Step 5: Enter your (screen) name


In the "Your name" field, you should input how your name will be displayed to the group (probably best to use your normal name or short/nickname.


Then press the "OK" button.





Computer Step 6: You are in.


At this point, you should be in the meeting. The controls are basically the same as described above for the phone.


The most important controls are probably the Mic and Camera toggles!


And that's about it...




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